Touch of Power
Book #1 in Healer Series
By Maria V. Snyder

I have this strong belief that you should read someone’s books in the order they have been published, because usually the last ones are better than the first ones. Of...

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By Tabitha Suzuma

[su_icon icon=”icon: exclamation-triangle” size=”40″ shape_size=”28″][/su_icon] Warning! This review might not make much sense to you – there were tons of thoughts clouding my mind and I just decided to put...

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Ashen Winter
Book #2 in Ashfall Series
By Mike Mullin

How much are you willing to give or take? Define loss: The disappearance of something cherished, such as a person, possession or property. Define hope: The emotional state which promotes...

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What’s Left of Me
Book #1 in The Hybrid Chronicles Series
By Kat Zhang

Imagine 100% identical twins. In the world we live in, this is quite imposible, there will always be a difference in the line of the hair, the pose of the...

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Book #1 in Unremembered Series
By Jessica Brody

Unremembered was one of the books I (very much) looked forward to this year. With a gorgeous cover and a tremendous description, it grabbed my attention from the first time...

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Stolen Songbird
Book #1 in The Malediction Trilogy Series
By Danielle L. Jensen

What can I say, I am expanding my reading universe these days and this is taking me on an incredibly crazy ride all over the fantastic world, meeting all kinds...

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The Book of Ivy
Book #1 in The Book of Ivy Series
By Amy Engel

A classical dystopian story with a spin-off, and simply as beautiful as the cover! ^_^ And not that the short-haired girl with the white dress and knife in hand is...

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