This book was really hard for me to rate.. I did liked it a lot (I simply LOVED some of the characters in this story), and it could have been a 5 stars book, but all that talk about God and prayers was definitely not for me.
Let me get this strait, it’s not that I don’t believe in God (truth being told I don’t know how much I do either), but I don’t like reading about this subject and I had to skip entire paragraphs.
Except for this little discomfort, the book was amazing, that’s why the high rating.
If there were crickets in the room, they would have provided the soundtrack to the silence that hung so loud.[Finley]
I loved Finley and Beckett.
They were so cute and funny – I laughed at their jokes and couldn’t wait for them to realize how great they were together. I wanted to be their friend because I loved how fresh and full of life they were together. I could have spent a full day watching them fight with each other – there was no anger, but a lot of teasing and flirting – so adorable.
Beckett was not just a Hollywood star, he was smart and caring and I could see why Finley liked him, I could feel her falling for him.. It was his charm, the way he treated the people around him, the way he was searching for “normal”, the way he responded to every challenge, the way he tried to help her every time he could, the way he was such a perfect match for her…
“If I’m going to be your bloomin’ tour guide, I’m going to do it right.” He held out his hand. “Do you think I’d take you somewhere dangerous?” [Beckett] “You bite people for a living.”
“Don’t be a chicken.”
“If you push me over the edge, my parents will be seriously ticked.”
He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. “They’ll probably send me a thank-you note.”
Also Finley was smart and cute, and different from all the other girls he had seen.. I could understand why a guy like him could like a girl like her. It was not just that she was normal, and that she was playing hard to get, it was the way she talked to him…they were paying the same game, talking the same language, they were like two pieces of puzzle perfectly fitting together.. And I loved them both.
“Are you here about the pig?”[Mrs. Doyle] “No.” I cast a glace over my shoulder. “Though I brought one with me”[Finley]
There were so many funny scenes involving them and I laughed so much that I could almost forget about the Christian references in the book… Almost.
And there was Mrs. Sweeney and her tale.
She was cold in the outside, but as warm as summer sun in the inside.. She had such a tragic destiny, and I wanted so badly to change something in her life, to bring some joy into her last days, to make her smile, to give her a bit of happiness as a last gift, but I think Finley was better at it.
She and Finley were a perfect match as well.. The way they didn’t like each other in the beginning, the funny little fights they had, the way they responded one to another with the same amount of sarcasm… They were both lovely, and they both broke my heart with their pain.
“Are you ready for me to read?” [Finley] I took her outstretched cup and placed it on the bedside table.
“I was ready ten minutes ago. If you wait any longer I’ll have time to write a novel meself”
If I had one word to describe this book it would be touching, because it touched my heart in a way I didn’t think it would be able to, and I’m really glad I read this book.
Rating: Probably not a full 4 stars, but close to it.
Book Source: ARC via NetGalley
God and religion wouldn’t have been for me either. But it sounds like a very cute book. I hadn’t heard of it before.
Xpresso Reads
I saw it on Netgalley last month and didn’t pay too much attention to the description.. Probably this is for the best because otherwise I wouldn’t have read it. It’s a bit sad because it would have been really great without the religious parts, and Finley & Beckett were probably my favorite couple in 2011… Still, not a book for everyone.
I requested this on netgalley before they discovered Pluto is not actually in fact a planet buuuuuuut they still haven’t accepted it denied and it makes me aggravated!
Religion is a soft subject to tread grounds with and even though I wouldn’t like reading about heavily either, I do salute the author for going for it you know? way to break out the mold is what I think but I’ll probably just skip the religious parts when I do read this….
*sigh* CAN I JUST READ THIS ALREADY? really hands down romance is my favorite genre and contemporary follows & I can tell this is exactly my cup of tea so WHY ON EARTH HAS NETGALLEY BEEN IGNORING ME?! oh well, it comes out soon enough.
Loved the review + pictures. I like how instead of just impersonally reviewing a book you actually tell how you felt about it. I HATE reading reviews and I’m starting to hold out on reading reviews before I read a book myself because I don’t want anyone to shape my opinion but it’s nice to see how YOU felt about it you know? am I making since or should I shut up…? I just ate a whole bunch of skittles that’s why XD
-thank you&come again.
I usually get bothered when I fell that some things are thrown into my face, but this story was just too cute for me to pass it. If I could strip this book of all those things I didn’t quite like, it would have been more than perfect ;))
Maybe you should update the profile with a blog link and other stuff they are requiring? Don’t know if it still available on NetGalley tough. I’ve requested Cinder by Marissa Meyer and the published didn’t approve or decline my request either – I hate it when it happens, but well, it’s worth a try 😐
oh well, it seems like the other aspects of the book make up for it right?
and I have everything I need but you probably right, it’s too late for them to accept since this book will be out in a couple of days. Hopefully they approve cinder for you!!
-thank you&come again.