Imagine 100% identical twins. In the world we live in, this is quite imposible, there will always be a difference in the line of the hair, the pose of the shoulders, the shape of the eyes, the ears, the mouth or something else that would make them look different.. be different. But pretend that you have in front of you physically-identical twins – how…
ReadMoreWhat’s Left of Me
Book #1 in The Hybrid Chronicles Series
By Kat Zhang

What’s Left of Me
Book #1 in The Hybrid Chronicles Series
By Kat Zhang
Imagine 100% identical twins. In the world we live in, this is quite imposible, there will always be a difference in the line of the hair, the pose of the shoulders, the shape of the eyes, the ears, the mouth or something else that would make them look different.. be different. But pretend that you have in front of you physically-identical twins – how…