About Me


Welcome to ReadingAfterMidnight!

I am Ariana and I’m going to be your host for the night.
Take a book from the shelf and make yourself comfortable… We’ll start reading right after midnight.

Beware! There’s a magical world inside these books, one full of stories, of colours and heartbreaking sounds. A world where everything is possible, where adventures follow us closely, at each and every step, where we live thousands of lives and we die thousands of deaths that can only make us stronger.

Don’t shy away from this gift, let your heart be filled with delight, dive into a story that steals your breath away and hold on to that feeling… Hold on to it…

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Once upon a time, I fell in love with books…

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I love Young-Adult (YA) literature

readingIt is in the love, the passion, the endless possibilities. It is all about that enchanting age when everything is at the reach of your fingers, that beautiful time when there are no boundaries for your imagination and when you are absolutely free to dream, to hope, to… be.

Don’t let anyone tell you what to read, or when to read, or if to read it. Not even me. Follow your heart and enjoy each word like it’s the last one! Believe me, nothing compares to the feeling I get after finishing a book that I loved to pieces and life wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t have my book-friends to share those feelings with.

And let’s keep in touch… I like connecting with other book lovers, so leave a comment on the blog, ask a question on Tumblr (read all previous answers here) or just drop me a message. I hope to give you some great book ideas, along with helping new or existing authors promote their books.

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My rating system:

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Review and Graphics Policy

BOOKS: If you are interested in sending me a book for review, you might want to read my Review Policy from HERE.

(please note that I have very limited reading time at the moment, so I’ll only accept the titles that really grab my attention)

GRAPHICS: For each of my reviews I like to create individual graphics and with my work I hope to make the book-world a prettier place. The source of the images I base my creations upon (as well as other graphics featured in my reviews) are linked from inside each post.

I hope that somewhere, someone is reading a great book right now! I hope that someone is writing one as well.

Enjoy my blog and… happy midnight reading!