Every Day
Book #1 in Every Day Series
By David Levithan

Wow! This was such a feast for my eyes and mind! My thoughts after finishing the book: SO GOOD! I didn’t even have time to mark it as currently-reading, this is how lost into the story I’ve been. One of the best books I’ve read in quite a while! Full review: Romance aside, this story is about people.. All kinds…

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Ashen Winter
Book #2 in Ashfall Series
By Mike Mullin

How much are you willing to give or take? Define loss: The disappearance of something cherished, such as a person, possession or property. Define hope: The emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life. Despair is the opposite of hope. Define human nature: It…

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Book #2 in Nevermore Series
By Kelly Creagh

Enshadowed is one of those stories that can simply leave you breathless and exhausted from so much beauty. I kept turning pages furiously inhaling every word and, even in the moments when there was no actual action, my elevated heart-rate made me feel like I was reading the most exhilarating of the books. In a way I was… because…

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Book #1 in The Rephaim Series
By Paula Weston

I’m telling you, I’ve been breathing this book, not just reading it. You might know that I love to read in one sitting, so when I like a book I take it in my hands and don’t let it go until I reach the very last page. I finished this one in the morning, and you can bet that…

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Book #2 in Elemental Series
By Brigid Kemmerer

For some reason I couldn’t put this series down and if i had the next one too, I would definitely go for it this very moment. Yes you can see a whole new star over there, this means that I loved this better and that I agree with all the people that told me this story was worth reading. WHY DID…

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Book #1 in Elemental Series
By Brigid Kemmerer

I had my eyes on this book for a while because most of my friends have read it and loved it, so when I got a copy of Spark (the second book in the series) for review I thought that it was time for me to start reading this series too. Don’t be fooled by the 3 and a half…

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By Sarra Manning

This book was such a (lovely) mess! At first I had a hard time following where the story was headed. But somehow I got to love all the dorkiness, the craziness, the dizziness that the characters made me feel when they changed their mind every half-page. It was cute, it was refreshing, it was somehow original and near…

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Unbreak My Heart
By Melissa C. Walker

There is something awful about feeling guilty.. It eats you from the inside, it kills the joy, it leaves you empty, it sucks the life out of you. The thing is, it doesn’t matter if you’ve made a big mistake or a small one, because your conscience will act like a magnifying glass making your memories haunt you…

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Knee Deep
By Jolene Perry

I wanted to write a simple answer to the question ”you didn’t like Ronnie?”, but I ended up with more than a comment. Keep in mind that this is not quite a review, just some thoughts that came to my mind. I am not too familiar with this subject (thank God) so I saw all this through my own eyes…

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By Jessi Kirby

“I read once that water is a symbol for emotions. And for a while now, I’ve thought maybe my mother drowned in both.” If it weren’t for the heartbreak I would love to be one of Jessi’s characters. I love her stories. She has this talent – she can make you laugh and cry almost…

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By Andrew Smith

“Heartbreak” – that’s how they call it. This is how I feel now, this is what this book might cause to you too. It should come with a note saying: ‘open at your own risk’ or ‘put your heart aside because it might shatter’. It should come with a happy pill for you to take, it should come…

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Pushing The Limits
Book #1 in Pushing the Limits Series
By Katie McGarry

Sometimes I get to read a book I don’t know much about and it surprises me by being entirely different than what I initially thought. (Yes, this is the case, in a very positive way). I knew there was supposed to be a bit of drama surrounding Noah and some mystery in Echo’s life, but for some reason…

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The Immortal Rules
Book #1 in Blood of Eden Series
By Julie Kagawa

Who do I have to bite to get the next book? I can’t believe how much I got to love this book.. a vampire book nonetheless! Let me tell you something: I don’t like vampires. That’s a fact. I don’t find them sexy, I don’t find them scary.. and they better not find me. I’ve been reading…

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By Michelle Madow

I am deeply sorry to give a bad rating to this book that most of my friends loved (also because the author seems really nice), but at this point I am really looking for something new to read, not necessarily to blow my mind but still to keep me interested and if possible in love with the story. Otherwise I’d…

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A Midsummer’s Nightmare
By Kody Keplinger

Kody is one of my favorite authors. Her writing is honest and she puts on paper many things that other authors are afraid to write about. I am not saying that this is good or bad; it’s just my way of seeing things, my way of enjoying her stories. The first two novels written by Kody are on my list…

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My Life Next Door
By Huntley Fitzpatrick

This is why I read YA books – to get this feeling of joy, of happiness, of love.. Because I simply LOVE feeling my head so light and having my heart skip a beat remembering how it felt to fall in love for the first time (and every time after that). I really like stories like this, that…

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Contours of the Heart
By Tammara Webber

Easy.. yes, so easy to like, so easy to get lost into the story, so easy to get to the last page and wish for more. Sometimes you don’t really think if a book is good or not, it just works for you. You simply start reading it and the action feels so natural that you don’t stop until you…

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By Cat Patrick

I am not sure about my feelings for this book, so this doesn’t really count as a review. The concept was great – having memories from the future is something I thought about at some point in my life. Add to this the fact that London can’t remember her past (that her day ends precisely at 4:33 am taking away…

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In Honor
By Jessi Kirby

Heartbreakingly beautiful! Oh, sometimes I think that I’m so done with tragic books. They break me in a way nothing else does. They tear my heart apart, splitting it into a million pieces for wind to blow away. I love them and hate them with the power of ...

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Book #3 in Newsflesh Series
By Mira Grant

And so the story ends.. I've never missed some characters the way I miss these guys, and yeah - I already miss them like crazy. What you’re reading now is my heart bleeding all over my keyboard, because this is how it feels letting this story go.

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Book #2 in Divergent Series
By Veronica Roth

Writers, when creating a world, have a great power over it and some of them are not afraid to use it. They are not afraid to put the characters through hell and back, they are not afraid to hurt them, and they are not afraid to kill. ...

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Something like normal
By Trish Doller

Dear Travis, I know you’ve been through a lot and I care for you with all my heart. I love the honesty with which you describe your world with the good and the bad, I love how you know when you’re wrong, how you are sad to be right, how you want to say you’re sorry but the…

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By Tabitha Suzuma

This review might not make much sense to you - there were tons of thoughts clouding my mind and I just decided to put them down and free my head from them all. I was going up and down contradicting myself, but this is exactly what this book does to one, and that's why it is so special.

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Social Suicide
Book #2 in Deadly Cool Series
By Gemma Halliday

To quote the main character: ‘Oh, fantastic amounts of fluffin’ fudge.’ This book is hilarious! In fact there are no words to describe how much I enjoyed this book and how my face hurt from so much laughing. I don’t think there is one page in the whole book without a tiny little joke. So, before starting to learn how…

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Book #1 in Glitch Series
By Heather Anastasiu

This book was probably definitely intended to a younger audience so there is no surprise that I found it to be a bit juvenile at parts. Based on this I really had a hard time rating it, as there were things that I really liked, but there were some things I simply needed to skip. If you are in your…

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Sixteenth Summer
Sixteenth Summer
By Michelle Dalton

Oh boy, this book was really charming. It was like a spell taking me back in time, remembering how it felt to be in love for the very first time. But more than that, it reminded me of the last time I fell in love, and it was both scary and exciting to see my memories brought somehow back…

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Between Shades of Gray
By Ruta Sepetys

Step on my heart, cut it wide open, rub it with salt and feed it to the sharks.. Or just make me read this book, because this is how it feels like reading this story. How can I call “wonderful” a book full of so many horrors? ...

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Cold Kiss
Book #1 in Cold Kiss Series
By Amy Garvey

This book touched the very bottom of my heart. “Love doesn’t break easily, I found. But people do. There isn’t much action and the story is simple, but there are so many emotions crammed into this little book that even my soul started to ache at some point. The writer knows how to describe the feeling of…

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