Can someone please come and erase my memory such that I can fall in love again with this story in 2014?
I really have a hard time believing that I will be able to sit still and wait a whole year for my favorite part of this story. I am even scared. I saw Addie fall in love 2 times (and I loved both love stories – well, one more than the other) and now I expect the next ‘beginning’ to be just as sweet.
I know, this is not the way to start my review, but how do you expect me to focus on writing when the ending hit me with the force of a hurricane?
I LOVE(D) this story.
I loved Addie, I loved her friendship with Laila, I loved both love-stories, I loved how fun the writing was and how emotionally invested I got (without even noticing until I fell deeply in love with this book).
It is so beautiful and I love how it shows the reflected futures, even though I wish the girl had curly hair in one side and a stripe of blue in the other 🙂 (Don’t mind the pic to the right, I was just fooling around a bit.)
A tiny world inside our world, with supernatural people and their supernatural powers and advanced technologies? A girl that needs to choose a path and that can see both futures in the need to figure out her choice? An unusual love triangle, that it is not even that but two swoon-worthy love stories, that could pin you in place reading and reading and doing nothing more than reading? I’ve been having a hard time finding a book to read in the past few weeks, but this beauty here reminds me of why I love reading so damn much!
“One person can’t change the future. Do you know how many people and things are involved in every major event that happens? Sure, you might be able to change some of the minor aspects of a day, but ultimately things that are going to happen, if you go along a certain path, do happen.”
Addie is great. She is strong, she is smart, she is cute.. She is a great friend and even with her flaws she is a great person. She cares about her loved ones, she cares about doing things right, she would do whatever it takes to keep things in place even when it can cost her her own heart and happiness (and safety).
Addie has to make a big decision and it is not about what parent to choose or what boyfriend, it is about so much more.. I am a bit cryptic, but really I don’t want to spoil anything for you.
I could understand her insecurities, her need to be ‘someone’, to not be defined by her powers; her need to be loved and to love; her need to save (friendships, her heart, even someone’s life). There were so many things happening in her life, it is hard for me to pick one that defined her. I usually get annoyed by the main character and their choices, but this was so not the case. Even when my heart was screaming for her not to do a particular thing, my mind (the traitor!) understood her, approved of her actions.
“It was hard when I knew I was about to be flooded with memories of a life I hadn’t lived yet. Really, two lives I hadn’t lived yet.”
Laila was the best and the funnies friend ever.
I loved their little chats, their encouragements, their teasing, the way they tried to help each other. I almost got my heart broken at some point, but I was glad to quickly gather the missing pieces and put them back together.
Also I loved their friends, their interaction, the way their stories overlapped in the 2 version of the future. I loved to see that Addie and Laila made similar decisions when not influenced by the others. What can I say, it was all such a fun ride!
This is what I would have loved to read for Valentine’s. There are 2 different love stories and up until some point they were both so sweet and cute and giggle-inducing that I should be ashamed for loving them so much.
First we have Duke – the beginning of their relationship was the best. I laughed so much because he was so funny and together they were the cutest couple (Note to self: I loved it when he brought that movie to her house). Even though they had almost nothing in common and Addie usually didn’t like “obvious” boys, they did get along very well and made me laugh more than not.
Then we have Trevor – their story started slower and it was a lot more complicated. He was not the golden boy, but (and maybe even because of that) if I could pick one guy for some reason it would always be him.. (Note to self: I loved the zombie notes). They started as friends and developed into so much more. And I don’t want to influence you in any way, so I’ll keep quiet now.
Or not so quiet after all.
I won’t tell you what choice did Addie make, but looking back I think it was the right one. show
I got to fall in love twice in the same story, and there was no cliché love triangle, and you know how much I enjoy seeing people fall in love – it’s my favorite part of every story (and the thought that I might get my 3rd love story in the next book makes me so excited that I might develop a superpower myself: noting special, just that my excitement might become a bit too contagious).
READING PROGRESS – minor spoilers!
So I was wrong, I didn’t know who the Mood Controller really was, but I was close enough because I knew who the bad guy was (and those 2 things are closely related). I still wonder about some things – like how could someone fake a super-power and also the secondary plot about the football players was never fully revealed and explained, but we will have enough time in the next installment for that.
All I an left to say is that this book has really made my day.
Yes, in fact I had a horrible day and it cheered me up in a heartbeat – it made me smile, it made me dream, it made me giggle like a kid, it made me swoon, it made me hope.. and also it made me hate the brief ending because I wanted so much more. 2014, please come faster!
Happy midnight reading, my dears!
And thank you, Kasie West for this amazing story 😉
Great review. Glad you enjoyed it because you’ve convinced me 🙂
I hope that you will enjoy it as well. It is quite a great book 🙂
Oh yay! I really want to read this book now! You know, I was avoiding your reviews since I didn’t have much time to read. But now I’m back! And I’m adding all your wonderful recommendations!
Great review, as always!
Thanks hun. I hope you’ll love it too.
I don’t have much time for reading right now either (or writing in fact, as I still have 5 reviews pending – not to mention some from last year). But hopefully things will change soon ;))
You really know how to make people fall in love with your reviews.
Amazing as always, I can’t wait to read this book too!
Thank you!
*crossing fingers for you to like the book just as much as you did with the review,LOL!*
I totally want to read this book now, after reading your review – it looks really good.
I is really-really great. I really hope that you will love it as well 😀