Unearthly is a series of young-adult urban fantasy novels by American author Cynthia Hand, beginning with the inaugural entry of the same name. The story follows a teenager named Clara, who learns that she is part angel and has a purpose to fulfill on Earth. While seeking answers about her role, Clara encounters friends, enemies, and romantic interests amidst her journey.

Book #3 in Unearthly Series
By Cynthia Hand

It’s always hard for me to say goodbye to a series.. To know that I’ll never meet again the characters I got to know so well, I’ll never live with them new adventures, there will be no more secrets to discover (in this case no more dreams to haunt us), there will be no cliffhanger to keep me waiting for…

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Book #2 in Unearthly Series
By Cynthia Hand

Oh boy, what a ride. Reading this book felt like flying with the wings wide open (not that I know how does that feel, but I can only imagine): I’ve been falling in love again with these characters, I’ve gasped at every surprise, I’ve smiled and I’ve even cried, I’ve felt Clara’s insecurities and frustrations, and her need to be…

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Book #1 in Unearthly Series
By Cynthia Hand

This is a great book and I really enjoyed it. Clara has a beautiful voice and a strong personality, and I loved to see her change through the story – from the moment she found out about her identity, until the last page when she was as confused as I was about her life and purpose, waiting to see what’s…

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