I know you’ve been waiting for this moment (as I did – squee!!) and I am happy to reveal the cover and the title for the 3rd book in Seraphina Parrish Trilogy:
“SEEING LIGHT” by Michelle Warren
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The cover is more similar to “Protecting the Truth” (rather than the first book) and the buildings from the background make me wonder about the places where the story might take us next. Also the scorpio on the shoulder and the tattoo seem to give us more hints about the journey we’ll take soon and my excitement makes me giddy with tons of questions I have that need some answers fast.
If you liked the first books, keep an eye for this one when it comes out – which will be soon, as it seems that “Seeing Light” releases in October 2013!
You can enter the Giveaway here!
Limited Time Offer:
Wander Dust, the first book in the trilogy, is FREE right now, so here’s your chance to start reading this series!
About the author:
Michelle Warren is the author of Wander Dust, the first book in The Seraphina Parrish Trilogy.
She didn’t travel the road to writer immediately.
First, she spent over a decade as professional illustrator and designer.
Her artistic creativity combined with her love of science fiction, paranormal, and fantasy led her to write her first YA novel.
Michelle loves reading and traveling to places that inspire her to create.
She resides in Maryland, in a historic Baltimore row-home, with her wonderful husband.
Keep in touch with Michelle on: her website, twitter, goodreads, facebook
I still need to read the sequel but the possible love triangle kind of worried me so I didn’t pick the book up.
But the covers for all the books in the series are so PRETTY
Well.. it did feel a bit strange, I won’t lie, but it didn’t quite last, so I am eager to read the next book now and see how things end.
I should have asked you before. This makes things a whole lot better. I just didn’t want the whole love triangle to be stretched b/w the remaining two books 🙂
I don’t think there’s any chance for love triangle in the next book, as things are now. (yeeei!)
Also, it was not very well developed either, so maybe (if you try) you will be able to pretend that it’s not even there. It was only drama inducing and I would have preferred for things not to go that way as it felt a bit unnecessary, but at least I am happy that it’s over ;))
Perfect. I am good with denial so this will work well for me. 😀
Actually I am going to go start the book now because I’ve had it for a while.. I just wasn’t sure I wanted to read it 😀
YAY (sorry the joy of finding out a book doesn’t contain a (proper) love triangle is overwhelming me )
I wish authors would just start writing simple love stories. These triangles are getting on my nerves *sigh* It’s not OK either when you know how things will end, because then, what’s the point in having one anyways? But as I said before, books without love triangles are an endangered species :)))
I would travel to the 1920’s I’m interested to know what it was like back then. I bought the first 2 books in this series not so long ago cause of the covers I love them and they sound interesting. Now I’m happy to have one more book in the series.
I can’t wait to have a complete collection either 😀
Good luck with the giveaway!